Hi friends! Happy Friday! I know that’s great for you but it’s sad for me. That means only one more day at the beach. The weather is looking pretty crumby here but maybe we will be able to catch a few hours of sunshine this afternoon.
Thank you for the awesome feedback on yesterdays post on the importance of being quiet and listening to God’s plan for you rather than forcing your own. It seems like this is something we all have to work at doing. It can certainly sometimes be challenging to wait for God’s plans to unfold but I have learned that it is always worth the wait. Thank you again for all of you that reached out to me and let me know that I’m not in this alone. Once again, you guys rock.
Yesterday we didn’t end up coming in from the beach until around 9pm. We’re trying to soak up every last beach minute which means happy pups and of course, more time for some yoga on the beach as I continue to work on the July Yoga Challenge.
They are so happy he is here!
Even if he buries them in the sand! 🙂 Don’t worry, this didn’t last for long. The second I got up to go get in the ocean, so did Boss!
I hope you are still working on either forearm headstand from the first week or crane from this week. If you are, don’t forget to hashtag #julyyogachallenge and tag @aharpe on Twitter or Instagram or upload your pictures to the GYH Facebook Page. Week three starts on Monday so be sure to check back for the third pose and joins us if you haven’t yet!
Anyways, as I mentioned yesterday, today’s post is a ‘Fit Friday’ first, either to be done today, as a part of your ‘Fit Weekend’ or whenever you’re in the need for a good sweat.
This workout can be done at home, requires no weights/equipment and can be modified to fit your specific needs. Just to note, I am not a certified personal trainer, only a fitness junkie movin’ and groovin’ and trying to inspire you to do the same. My hub comes up will almost all of the workouts that I post on here and if your inclined to do so you can check out his fitness philosophy here. Like I mention in every fitness post, remember that proper form trumps reps/more weights ALWAYS. If something is too hard, do fewer reps/lower weight and work on it each week and over time, you will be able to do more. If not, not only is the exercise less effective but you could also end up hurt. And as always, consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. On to that workout!
If our workout space looked like this…
…you can see that this workout can be done anywhere.
Also, below the workout are photos of how to do each exercise with proper form.
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Do you workout on vacation or do you tend to take the week off? As you can see, I like to mix things up. I still workout but my workouts just look a little different than if I were at home. I like to stay out of the gym but still get some sort of workout in, whether it be bodyweight exercises, TRX, yoga, beach sprints, etc.
Anyways, I’m off to get a workout in myself and then to hopefully enjoy our last day on the beach! Have a great weekend!
Good health!
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