To Write or Not to Write

by Ashley on August 7, 2012

Hi there! Happy Tuesday. I have the day off, besides a meeting this morning, so I am catching up on house work, sleep, projects and am about to take the pups for a beach walk… they are so excited they can’t stand it! It looks like it is going to rain but I guess it’s okay to get wet at the beach!

All is well down here, still busy, finishing up my last two weeks in the Food Service rotation of the internship… and then on to Clinical! Last week I planned the lunch for the entire Mayo Cafe… an exciting yet nerve-racking experience.

As you could imagine, I wanted everything to go perfectly…and it did for the most part. I was extremely happy with the turn out.  I even pleased the vegetarians, something hard to do (I would know ;-) ) I did serve many meat dishes but had multiple vegetarian options too, considering the theme of my meal was the Mediterranean region.

Other than staying busy at Mayo, studying, cooking, working out and exercising the pups, that’s all I’ve been up to. I keep going back and forth whether or not to continue to write this blog, but I’ve decided that I don’t have to make a definite decision. I will write when I can and won’t when I can’t. I apologize for the randomness of that but even though I enjoy writing so much, my focus right now is doing my best and giving my best at Mayo. I hope you all have a fabulous week!

Good health!

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