Mother’s Day

by Ashley on May 10, 2010

You are amazing, God.

Yesterday, Dustin and I listened to our church service from home rather than going to church, for no excuse better than to simply catch up on our rest (weak, I know, but I guess that’s what a birthday will do to ya!). However, we still got the same message sitting right in the den: thanksgiving.

I took the message two ways, first and foremost, we must be thankful to Jesus and for the things that He does and has done for us. “Always be thankful for the one who packs your parachute,” David, our pastor said. This is so true and really got me thinking. ‘The One,’ being Jesus but I’d also say my mom has packed my parachute a time or two as well. Not only did this message make me realize how much more thankful I need to be to God for giving me such a wonderful mother but also to her for the daily things she does in my life.

My mom is truly an amazing woman. All of the things I know, I’ve learned from her. And just when I think I’ve learned something apart from her, I call her, and most likely she already knows.

I recently started an herb garden, simply because I don’t have the space to start a true garden. As most of you know, I love fresh foods. One day, I hope to look out my kitchen window and see a row of zucchini, squash, tomatoes, etc., but for now my herb garden will suffice. I called my mom the other day (this is how neat my mom is) and she told me she was off to Lowe’s to start her ‘upside down tomato plants?’ Yeah, I had never had heard of them either, but I already liked it. This is exactly where I get my knack for things like this. The older I get, the more I realize how similar we are.

My mom has always cherished memories and fun times over materials. She would rather spend her money creating a warm home for us to all come home to, rather than on materials hanging in her closet. If you’ve ever been to my house at dinner time you know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t get me wrong, my mom ALWAYS looks great, but she has truly taught me that people will always remember how you made them feel and the experience you create rather than how you looked or what you wore.

Right now, I am reading a book called, “French Women Don’t Get Fat.” It day by day, page by page reminds me of my mom: she loves both France and good food…exactly what the book is about. She can speak a little French, understand a lot, and by reading this book I see that my mom lives the life of a French woman, even if she may not know it. One day, I dream of taking a trip to France with my mom to enjoy all that the country has to offer, especially the wine :-). Author, Mireille Guiliano, adds French quirky, yet meaningful sayings throughout the book that always remind me of my mom.

I would never put the word ‘diet’ and ‘Debby’ (my mom) in the same sentence, yet she has an amazing, womanly figure. “You can have ‘de tout un peu et de peu pas beaucoup,’ meaning you can have a little of everything, but in small portions.” According to Guiliano, that is the French woman’s philosophy and frankly, my mom’s as well. If my mom wants a chocolate chip cookie, she’d have it, probably half, however. A glass of wine with lunch? Of course! She would never refuse something she wanted, yet she would never over indulge.

My mom would never spend an hour a day ‘working-out’ in a gym but she would also never sit on her ‘arce’ and do nothing. She gets her exercise by hard work at home: picking weeds, cleaning rooms, making beds, cooking, gardening, etc. (I’d also like to mention she can still do splits (at 40-something) and touch her nose to her knees when stretching. Now that’s impressive!) To me, this is the best example any mother could give her daughters. One day, I hope to do the same in my family :-).

So thank you God for my amazing, wonderful, talented, loving mother, yesterday, today, and all days!

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